10+ Fitness + Nutrition Lead Magnets {DFY}

If you want to grow your business, creating a free opt-in and building your email list should be your TOP priority.

See EXACTLY what you get when you purchase today.

What is included ($970 Value)

  • 5-Day Clean Up Your Diet Challenge
  • 14-Day Sugar Detox Challenge + Guide - SUPER POPULAR!
  • 35 Days of Gratitude Challenge
  • 5 Ways To Reenergize Every Day PDF/ebook/presentation
  • 10 Key Principles of Intuitive Eating PDF/ebook/presentation
  • Emotional Wellness PDF/ebook/presentation
  • Why Diets and Meal Plans Suck presentation
  • Create Your Own Meal Plan PDF
  • Get Ready For Summer Checklist + Cheat Sheet PDF
  • Healthy Immune System Guide
  • 2 Quizzes: Which Kind of Workout is Right for  + How to Match Your Diet To Your Uniqueness


  • Email Marketing Tips + Templates


Currently, email marketing has proven to be the MOST effective way to actually make money in your business.

Social media (specifically Facebook) algorithms can and do constantly change – you have no control over that.

On the other hand, having an email list allows you to show up directly in your potential customer’s inbox and make pitches to ideal clients on your terms. You have complete control. This is why email marketing has proven to result in more reads and clicks than social media.

Email is also more personal that social media.

Your email subscribers are your most loyal followers and you should treat that email list like GOLD

Consider every subscriber on your email list a potential customer.

And keep this in mind… You do not want everyone and their mother on your email list – you want people who are interested in what you have to offer!

The BEST thing you can do to grow your email list is create a free offer.

The goal is to offer potential clients something of value (more than just a blog post or asking them to “Sign up for you newsletter”) in exchange for their email address. It should be something you feel you could charge for, but are giving it away as a preview to what you have to offer instead.

This allows you to WOW your potential clients and gain their trust.

It gives you the opportunity to start building a relationship, show off your amazing content, and – eventually – sell them something.

With your purchase today, you will receive 10+ FREE OFFERS (AKA LEAD MAGNETS).

They are delivered in Google drive and Canva and are 100% editable and rebrandable.

Each lead magnet comes with sample social media promo posts. Some come with editable promo images and templates, sample landing page text and sample follow up emails. 

Start with one or two lead magnets that really align with your business and what you want to sell. You can add more later.

Offer them to your current clients, social media followers and friends/family. 

Make sure your free offer resonates with your audience. 

If one is converting really well, then you may consider putting money behind it for a Facebook ad.

If you do not get much traction at first, work on getting in front of the right people and keep promoting. Don't be too quick to give up! This stuff takes TIME!

Are you in business for the long haul?

If so, PLEASE grow your email list! ;)

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 $197.00 USD

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I agree to the Privacy Policy + Disclaimer 

This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to you to educate you about running a fitness program or challenge. It is not guaranteed to grow your email list or make you money. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgment. 

The content is 100% DONE-FOR-YOU.  All you need to do is copy and paste! 

You have the right to brand it, edit/change anything you want, and call it your own. Make it work for YOU and your business. You can use this with online clients or in combination with in-person clients.

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